Thursday, January 31, 2008

Long story short

There was a minor case of miscommunication, and I'm now in San Fransisco getting ready for Super Tuesday.

Mom and Dad, don't worry, my teachers all know I'm gone and I brought homework with me.


Bob Al-Greene said...

Holy shit, Clay. Crazy Eyes himself. That's beyond awesome.

Zachami said...

cutline: Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee humors a supporter who asked him to "do the Rudy Giuliani!" at a campaign rally Thursday. Giuliani, who dropped out of the presidential race Wednesday, has a freakishly rodent-like face, experts say.

Bob Al-Greene said...

"...the man has a singularly rodent-like face."
-Bob Al-Greene, Bob's Cartoon Blog, 2008

Kaitlin Waterman said...

I showed Huckabees photo to Ma and Pa Waterman.