Monday, September 1, 2008

I hate this time of year because...

1. School has started.
2. As I go through images for portfolios and the CPOY contest, all I see is what I did wrong. (Above: blew out the sky to get their faces and it doesn't look good, cut off too much of their bodies, left a little bit of a stadium light behind the girl in the middle, left a little bit of another girl behind the girl in the middle, no emotion, no sense of what's going on, etc.)

These next few days, those who haven't had enough of my whining about how I wish I was more talented in person can check out this blog to see images that will not be going into my portfolio, and more griping about how I should probably just take school pictures the rest of my life.


Anonymous said...

i've been doing the same thing and i hate it. it doesn't really help, but the fact that you can look at a photo and see what you can do better is great. it shows you are learning and you know what you need to do to be better. that being said, it sucks to look at your photos and not like anything you have shot and feel like you have nothing for CPOY or your portfolio. I'm going to Vegas this weekend for that conference and was hoping to make contacts, but I feel like I'm a shitty photographer who deserves no job what so ever. just push through it and know that you are an amazing photographer and that you have supreme dedication. this has already gotten too sappy for me so i'm going to stop, but suck it up soldier. you'll get through the dry, self-loathing spots like we all do. focus on ISO and an amazing theme for a bit and shoot photos that you actually like. it will help and maybe it will get all of us out of our dry spell.

Tom Brush said...

youse a gangstah

keep it so.

Teresa Prince said...

Don't be depressed because other people are talented. Look at your portfolio from last year and the year before. Rejoice in how much you've improved and how far you can still go. If you haven't improved, then be depressed. And school's not that bad. You could be stuck in the middle of Iowa with no friends.